How to Convert SGPA into Percentage: User Guide

how to convert sgpa into percentage

The Grade Point Average (GPA) or Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) are frequently used in the educational system, particularly in colleges and universities, to assess students’ academic achievement. While SGPA offers a thorough analysis of a student’s performance during a particular semester, it is occasionally required to translate it into a percentage for a variety of reasons, including job applications, eligibility for scholarships, or further education. We shall examine how to convert SGPA into percentage in this article.

SGPA to Percentage Calculator

SGPA and GPA explanation

Understanding the fundamentals of SGPA and GPA is essential before starting the conversion procedure. While GPA shows a student’s overall achievement throughout the course of their academic career, SGPA only displays a student’s success within a certain semester. Depending on the institution and grading system, the calculation of the SGPA and GPA uses a numerical scale of 0 to 10 or 0 to 4.

Factors for Calculating SGPA

The number of credits allocated to each course and the grades earned in those courses are only two examples of the many variables that go into SGPA Calculator. Credit hours typically indicate how important a course is, suggesting that courses with more credit hours have a bigger influence on the overall SGPA. Each grade has a unique grade point that goes towards calculating the student’s overall grade point average (SGPA). The following scale often determines the grade points:

Scale of Grade Points:

The following grades: Grade | Grade Points (GP) O | 10 A+ | 9 A | 8 B+ | 7 B | 6 C+ | 5 C | 4 D+ | 3 D | 2 F | 0

Read Our Blog: How To Convert CGPA To Percentage

How To Convert SGPA into Percentage:

One must use a simple yet accurate approach to convert SGPA into a percentage. The procedure is described in the steps below:

Find the maximum SGPA and its related percentage

Knowing the highest SGPA that can be achieved at your institution is crucial before moving forward with the conversion. For instance, if the maximum SGPA is 10, it equates to 100% because it denotes exceptional academic achievement.

Determine the SGPA’s percentage equivalent:

Divide the resulting SGPA by the maximum SGPA and multiply the result by 100 to get the SGPA equivalent in percentage.

Equivalent in Percentage = (SGPA/Maximum SGPA) / 100

The calculation might be as follows if your SGPA is 8.5 and the required SGPA is 10, for instance:

85% is the percentage equivalent to (8.5 / 10) x 100.

Consequently, an SGPA of 8.5 is equivalent to 85% in percentage terms.

If necessary, round the percentage off

You could be required to round off the % to a particular decimal place, depending on the requirements of the institution or your personal preferences. It’s crucial to follow the rounding-off guidelines set forth by your institution.

There may be particular rules for rounding off percentages at some schools. When a percentage must be rounded to one decimal point, for example, and the calculated percentage is 85.67%, 85.7% will be used instead. The decimal value, however, may be reduced if it is less than 5. The percentage will be rounded down to 85.3%, for instance, if it is 85.34%.

Displaying the transformed SGPA

The percentage equivalent of the SGPA can be used for a number of things, like employment applications, further education applications, or scholarship applications, once it has been calculated and rounded off (if necessary). To prevent any misunderstandings, it is crucial to appropriately report your converted SGPA.

Conversion Accuracy Is Important

Students must convert their SGPA into a percentage in order to present their academic accomplishments in a format that is well-known and accepted. It is also crucial to precisely translate SGPA because many institutions, universities, and scholarship programmes want candidates to submit their percentage equivalent.


It is simple to convert SGPA into a percentage by multiplying the result by 100 after dividing the current SGPA by the highest SGPA. Through this conversion, students can present their academic achievements in a format that is frequently utilized for a variety of applications. To ensure accurate representation, it is imperative to adhere to the precise norms and rounding-off regulations established by your organization. Students can effectively present their academic accomplishments to potential employers, colleges, and scholarship committees by being aware of the conversion process.

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