NTUH SGPA Calculator

NTUH SGPA Calculator

One of the top universities in Hyderabad for engineering and technology education is Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH). Finding one’s semester grade point average (SGPA) is an important part of a student’s academic path. The goal of this post is to offer a thorough explanation of the JNTUH SGPA calculator while maintaining readability and simplicity.

What is SGPA?

A student’s academic performance during a particular semester is gauged by their SGPA Calculator, or semester grade point average. It is a numerical depiction of the average grades earned throughout the semester in every course. JNTUH employs a 10-point grading scheme, in which a grade is equivalent to a particular grade point.

Components of SGPA Calculation

1. Grade Points

Understanding how grades and grade points relate to one another in the JNTUH grading system is crucial before beginning the computation process. This relationship is demonstrated in the table below:

GradeGrade Point

2. Credits

At JNTUH, each course is given a certain amount of credits according to its academic weight. The time and effort needed for that course is reflected in the credits. The sum of the credits from all of the courses taken during a semester determines the total credits for that semester.

3. Grade Points Earned

The grade points earned for each course are calculated by multiplying the grade point that corresponds to the grade received by the credits for that course. This is computed for every course taken in a given semester.

4. Total Credits

The total credits for a semester are the sum of the credits for all the courses taken during that semester.

5. SGPA Calculation

Finally, SGPA is calculated using the formula:

Total Grade Points EarnedTotal Credits

SGPA= Total Credits = Total Grade Points Earned

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the JNTUH SGPA Calculator

Now that we understand the components, let’s go through a step-by-step guide on how to use the JNTUH SGPA calculator.

Use Calculator: CGPA Calculator

Step 1: Gather Information

Collect the necessary data for each course:

  • Grades obtained in each course.
  • Credits assigned to each course.

Step 2: Assign Grade Points

Refer to the grade point table mentioned earlier and assign grade points to the grades obtained in each course.

Step 3: Calculate Grade Points Earned for Each Course

Multiply the grade points assigned to each grade by the credits for the corresponding course. Repeat this for all courses.

Step 4: Find Total Grade Points Earned

Sum up the grade points earned for all courses in the semester.

Step 5: Calculate SGPA

Use the formula mentioned earlier to calculate the SGPA:

Total Grade Points EarnedTotal Credits


Total Credits

Total Grade Points Earned

Use Calculator: GPA Calculator

Example Calculation

Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario where a student has completed three courses in a semester with the following details:


Assign Grade Points

Using the grade point table, we assign grade points to the grades:

GradeGrade Point

Calculate Grade Points Earned for Each Course

  • Mathematics:
  • 8 (Grade Point for A)×4 (Credits)=32
  • 8 (Grade Point for A)×4 (Credits)=32
  • Physics:
  • 7 (Grade Point for B+)×3 (Credits)=21
  • 7 (Grade Point for B+)×3 (Credits)=21
  • Programming:
  • 9 (Grade Point for A+)×5 (Credits)=45
  • 9 (Grade Point for A+)×5 (Credits)=45

Find Total Grade Points Earned

Sum up the grade points earned for all courses:



Use Calculator: Age Calculator

Calculate SGPA

Using the formula:


SGPA= 4+3+5 98 = 12 98 =8.17


In conclusion, understanding the JNTUH SGPA calculator is vital for every student enrolled in the university. This comprehensive guide has walked you through the essential components of SGPA calculation, providing a step-by-step process and an example to facilitate a clear understanding. Regularly calculating your SGPA helps you track your academic progress and identify areas for improvement. Keep this guide handy, and you’ll navigate the world of JNTUH grading with confidence.

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