JNTUK SGPA Calculator

JNTUK SGPA Calculator

Calculating your Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is an essential task for any student pursuing higher education. It helps you assess your academic performance and track your progress throughout your academic journey. If you are a student at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK) or are planning to enroll in this prestigious institution, understanding how to calculate your SGPA is crucial. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to calculate your JNTUK SGPA Calculator using the university’s grading system.

Understanding JNTUK Grading System

Before we dive into calculating your SGPA, let’s familiarize ourselves with the grading system used at JNTUK. JNTUK employs a 10-point grading system, which is commonly used in many Indian universities. Here is a breakdown of the grading system:

  • Grade: Each course you take will be assigned a grade, which represents your performance in that specific course. Grades are given on a scale of A to F, with A being the highest and F being a failing grade.
  • Grade Points: Along with the letter grade, a corresponding grade point is assigned. These grade points range from 10 for an ‘A’ grade to 0 for an ‘F’ grade. The complete grade point scale is as follows:
  • A: 10
  • A-: 9
  • B+: 8
  • B: 7
  • B-: 6
  • C: 5
  • C-: 4
  • D: 3
  • F: 0
  • Credit Hours: Each course is associated with a certain number of credit hours, which represents the workload and the time commitment required for the course. Typically, theory courses have fewer credit hours compared to practical or laboratory courses.

Now that we understand the grading system, let’s move on to the step-by-step process of calculating your SGPA.

Calculating Your JNTUK SGPA

SGPA Calculator

To calculate your Semester Grade Point Average at JNTUK, follow these steps:

Step 1: Collect Your Course Grades and Credit Hours

At the end of the semester, you will receive your grades for each course you have taken. These grades are usually available on your student portal or transcript. Make a list of all the courses you’ve completed during the semester, including the grade received and the credit hours associated with each course.

Step 2: Assign Grade Points to Your Grades

For each course, assign the appropriate grade points based on the grading system mentioned earlier. Use the following table as a reference:

GradeGrade Point

Step 3: Calculate Course Credit Points

For each course, calculate the course credit points by multiplying the grade points (from Step 2) by the credit hours for that course. Use the following formula

Course Credit Points = Grade Points * Credit Hours
Repeat this calculation for each course and record the course credit points.

Read Our Blog: JNTUK CGPA Calculator

Step 4: Calculate Total Credit Hours and Total Credit Points

Now, sum up the total credit hours and total course credit points for all the courses you’ve taken during the semester.

Step 5: Calculate SGPA

To calculate your SGPA, divide the total course credit points by the total credit hours using the following formula:

SGPA = Total Course Credit Points / Total Credit Hour

Step 6: Interpret Your SGPA

Your SGPA Calculator will be a numerical value between 0 and 10. It represents your academic performance for the semester. Here’s how to interpret your SGPA:

  • SGPA of 10: Outstanding performance, achieving the highest grades in all courses.
  • SGPA between 9 and 9.9: Excellent performance, consistently high grades.
  • SGPA between 8 and 8.9: Very good performance, above-average grades.
  • SGPA between 7 and 7.9: Good performance, average to above-average grades.
  • SGPA between 6 and 6.9: Satisfactory performance, passing grades.
  • SGPA between 5 and 5.9: Marginal performance, some passing and some failing grades.
  • SGPA below 5: Unsatisfactory performance, failing grades in most courses.

Example Calculation

Let’s walk through an example to illustrate how to calculate your SGPA:

Suppose you have completed four courses in a semester with the following details:

  • Course 1: Grade A, Credit Hours 3
  • Course 2: Grade B, Credit Hours 4
  • Course 3: Grade B+, Credit Hours 3
  • Course 4: Grade C, Credit Hours 2

Step 1: Collect Your Course Grades and Credit Hours

Course 1: A (Grade), 3 (Credit Hours)
Course 2: B (Grade), 4 (Credit Hours)
Course 3: B+ (Grade), 3 (Credit Hours)
Course 4: C (Grade), 2 (Credit Hours)

Step 2: Assign Grade Points to Your Grades

  • Course 1: A (10 Grade Points)
  • Course 2: B (7 Grade Points)
  • Course 3: B+ (8 Grade Points)
  • Course 4: C (5 Grade Points)

Step 3: Calculate Course Credit Points

  • Course 1: 10 (Grade Points) * 3 (Credit Hours) = 30 Course Credit Points
  • Course 2: 7 (Grade Points) * 4 (Credit Hours) = 28 Course Credit Points
  • Course 3: 8 (Grade Points) * 3 (Credit Hours) = 24 Course Credit Points
  • Course 4: 5 (Grade Points) * 2 (Credit Hours) = 10 Course Credit Points

Step 4: Calculate Total Credit Hours and Total Credit Points

  • Total Credit Hours = 3 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 12
  • Total Course Credit Points = 30 + 28 + 24 + 10 = 92

Step 5: Calculate SGPA

SGPA = Total Course Credit Points / Total Credit Hours = 92 / 12 = 7.67

Step 6: Interpret Your SGPA

In this example, your SGPA is 7.67, which falls in the “Good performance” category.


Calculating your Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is an essential task for any student at JNTUK or any university with a similar grading system. It provides valuable insights into your academic performance and helps you stay on track toward your academic goals. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can accurately calculate your SGPA and gain a better understanding of your academic achievements. Remember that your SGPA is not just a number; it reflects your dedication, hard work, and commitment to your education. Use it as a tool to continuously improve and excel in your academic journey

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